Completed projects

projects completed

Site surveys for construction involve comprehensive investigations of natural environment of an area and/or a construction site.

Specialists of JSC Lengiprotrans design transport development master-plans, which includes activities associated with placement of all railway infrastructure facilities in accordance with the process solutions adopted. The design work includes environmental impact assessment and development of recommendations on environmental protection.

The page shows the objects of the selected type, the design of which was performed in the selected period
  • 1990 — 1999
  • 2000 — 2009
Мостовой переход через реку Вымь
The bridge over the Vym River was developed by the specialists of Lengiprotrans as part of the construction of the Chinyavoryk - Timan commercial railway. The line was intended to drive up to the...
  • 1990 — 1999
  • 2000 — 2009
Железнодорожная линия Чиньяворык — Тиман
The Chinyavoryk —  Timan railway line is the first commercial line and the largest railway built in Russia in 1991–2008. The main line was intended for the export of bauxite from the Sredne-...
  • 1990 — 1999
Электрификация участка Волховстрой — Свирь
In the 1990s, the electrification of railway tracks in the North-West of Russia was widely developed, in which Lengiprotrans took an active part. The work began with the design of the Volkhovstroy...
  • 1990 — 1999
Второй главный путь на участке Шиповка — Пост 26 км
In the 1990s, Lengiprotrans developed a project for the second main track on the Shipovka - Post section of 26 km in the Kaliningrad railway. In the course of engineering surveys, mine workings...
  • 1990 — 1999
Межгосударственная передаточная станция Пыталово
The Pytalovo interstate station belongs to the October railway, located in the Pskov region on the border with Latvia. As a result of the collapse of the USSR, the railways were disconnected at...
  • 1990 — 1999
Межгосударственная передаточная станция Печоры-Псковские
Interstate station Pechory-Pskovskie belongs to the Oktyabrskaya railway (OZhD), located in the Pskov region on the border with Estonia. In 1993, on behalf of the Ministry of Railways of the...