Electrification of the Volkhovstroy - Svir section

Project Status: 
Электрификация участка Волховстрой — Свирь

In the 1990s, the electrification of railway tracks in the North-West of Russia was widely developed, in which Lengiprotrans took an active part. The work began with the design of the Volkhovstroy - Svir section of the Oktyabrskaya railway. This marked a new stage in the electrification of the route to Murmansk.

Initially, the chief engineer of the project was A.B. Sarychev, and since 1996 - G.V. Matveev. Special responsibility was imposed on the specialists by the fact that the construction was carried out practically from the "sheet" according to the signal copies of working drawings.

The following devices were envisaged in the project:
• recycling water supply system, which saves water - 249 thous. m3 / year;
• wastewater disposal facilities to the existing village facilities for complete biological treatment at the Kolchanovo, Pasha, Lodeynoye Pole, Svir stations;
• treatment facilities and closed water circulation cycle of washing solutions at Volkhovstroy-I station;
• gas cleaning devices "Mriya", "FES", "Cyclone";
• traction substations using complete modular equipment, which made it possible to abandon the construction of buildings with an area of ​​720 m2.
The newest system of braking control of trains "SAUT-Ts" was applied on the track, which provides an automatic stop in front of a closed traffic light.

For the first time at the stations, a compensated suspension of the overhead system is provided, which made it possible in the future to transfer the section to high-speed traffic without reconstructing the overhead system.

When designing the Volkhovstroy - Svir section, an environmental justification was carried out for the feasibility of transferring train traffic to electric traction at 3.3 kV direct current. In accordance with it, electrification allowed:
• to reduce emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere by 5122 t / year;
• to reduce the amount of solid waste due to the reduction of repair work and lower material consumption of electric locomotives in comparison with diesel locomotives;
• to replace and reconstruct outdated, environmentally harmful equipment and structures (for example, sand feeding).