Public railway lines

  • 1940 — 1949
  • 1950 — 1959
Вторые пути на участке Пермь — Шаля — Свердловск
The Perm - Shalya - Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg) railway line is the main section of the Kirov - Omsk highway, which provides the shortest transportation of goods from Siberia and the Far East...
  • 1940 — 1949
Железнодорожная линия Кировабад — Дашкесан
Shortly before the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, Lenzheldorproekt (in 1955 became part of Lengiprotrans) began designing the Kirovabad (now Ganja) - Dashkesan railway line on the territory...
  • 1940 — 1949
Железнодорожная линия Весьегонск — Кировская железная дорога
After the outbreak of the Great Patriotic War, the blockade of Leningrad and the cessation of traffic on a number of sections of the main passage of the October railway (the St. Petersburg -...
  • 1940 — 1949
Железнодорожная линия Будогощь — Тихвин
The Budogoshch - Tikhvin railway line is a section of the Tikhvin - Weimarn line of the Oktyabrskaya railway, passing through the territory of the Leningrad region. The project of the railway...
  • 1940 — 1949
Укрепление земляного полотна на линии Туапсе — Адлер
The Tuapse - Adler railway line is part of the North Caucasus Railway. This is a narrow strip, bounded on the left by the Caucasus Mountains and on the right by the Black Sea. The key problem on...
  • 1935 — 1939
  • 1940 — 1949
Железнодорожная линия Петрозаводск — Суоярви
In December 1939, in connection with the outbreak of the Soviet-Finnish war, the Government of the USSR issued a task for the accelerated construction of the Petrozavodsk-Suoyarvi railway to...