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The railway line Weymarn - Chudovo - Budogoshch, designed by Lentransproekt (since 1951 - Lengiprotrans), in the pre-war years operated as a single-track railway line on steam locomotive traction with a baton method of communication. At present, the movement of trains from Weimarn station in the direction of Budogoshch station is carried out only through the Gatchina station in the direction of the Tosno - Chudovo - Irsa - Posadnikov - Budogosh stations. The mileage in this direction is 200 km.

In the post-war years "Lentransproekt" (since 1951 - "Lengiprotrans") developed projects for the restoration of many transport facilities in the USSR. In 1946-1947, a project was prepared for an automobile bridge across the Alle River in the city of Pravdinsk, Kaliningrad Region. 

The project of a road bypass for Narva and Ivangorod with a bridge over the Narva River was developed by Lengiprotrans in the 1990s - early 2000s. During the implementation of the project, level crossings were eliminated at one level of the railway and an important city highway with heavy traffic and pedestrians. As a result, the size of car traffic has increased and its safety has increased. 

In the 1970s, Lengiprotrans engineers were designing an overpass at the intersection of Leninsky Prospekt and Narodniy Opolcheniya Avenue on the Predportovaya-Narvskaya stretch. This interchange made it possible to solve the transport problems of the Kirovsky and Moskovsky districts of Leningrad (St. Petersburg). In addition, level crossings where the motorway intersected with the railroad tracks were eliminated. 

In the 1980s Lengiprotrans was involved in solving transport problems in the Komi Republic. Design of a road bridge under the direction of A.P. Petrova contributed to the solution of transport problems in Ukhta. Thanks to the rational organization of road traffic junction, a large overrun of urban transport was eliminated. 

Prospecting and design work along the Voybokalo - Ladoga Lake line was carried out by employees of the Vologda expedition and the Leningrad project group in the most unfavorable conditions of a harsh winter and constant attacks by enemy aircraft. Research and construction were carried out simultaneously from several places. Working drawings were issued during construction. 

The temporary railway line Polyana — Shlisselburg, known as the Victory Road, played a huge role in the fate of besieged Leningrad during the Great Patriotic War.

В конце 1990-х — начале 2000-х годов «Ленгипротранс» осуществлял проектирование железнодорожных подходов к морскому порту Высоцк. Одним из основных объектов стала соединительная ветка Высоцк — Нефтяная с электрификацией. Это было обусловлено необходимостью транспортировки нефтепродуктов на морской терминал, предназначенный для перевалки 10,75 млн тонн нефтепродуктов в год.

In 1951-1955, Lengiprotrans developed a project for a new railway line Ekibastuz - Irtyshskoe. The line was to become the southern part of the Omsk - Bessarabka (Irtyshskoe) - Ekibastuz highway. However, the survey and design along this line ended with the design assignment stage.

The project of organizing the passenger railway communication St. Petersburg-Vitebsky - Pulkovo Airport was developed by Lengiprotrans in the 2010s.

The Aeroexpress route will run from Pulkovo airport to Vitebsk railway station with a mandatory stop at Kupchino station, which will help to include the blue metro line in the route. The travel time of the electric trains will be 25 minutes.
