Signaling, interlocking and communication devices

  • 1980 — 1989
ЭЦ станций на участке Бата — Карабас
Bata - Karabas is a section of the Kazakhstan railway. In the period 1986–1990 Lengiprotrans developed a project for electrical interlocking (EC) of 5 railway line stations with 21 turnouts...
  • 1980 — 1989
ЭЦ станций на участке Байгул — Караджал
Baigul - Karazhal - a section of the Karaganda - Karazhal line of the Kazakhstan railway. In the period 1986–1990 Lengiprotrans developed a project for electrical interlocking (EC) of 3...
  • 1980 — 1989
ЭЦ маневрового района парка очистки на станции Экибастуз II
Ekibastuz II - station of the Kazakhstan railway in the area of ​​a large coal deposit. In 1970-1980, within the framework of the construction of railway approaches to the Ekibastuz industrial...
  • 1980 — 1989
  • 1990 — 1999
Модернизация устройств связи в Рижском железнодорожном узле
Riga railway junction is the main railway junction in Latvia, connecting the railway with the commercial sea port on the Baltic coast. The most intensive traffic is carried out in the following...
  • 1980 — 1989
Модернизация устройств СЦБ на участке Большая Михайловка — Жарык
Bolshaya Mikhailovka - Zharyk is a section of the Kazakhstan railway. In the 1980s, according to the Lengiprotrans project, the modernization of signaling devices on the railway section and the...
  • 1980 — 1989
Модернизация устройств СЦБ на участке Солонички — Большая Михайловка
Solonichki — Bolshaya Mikhailovka — section of the Kazakhstan railway. In the 1980s, according to the Lengiprotrans project, the modernization of signaling devices on the railway section and...