Signaling, interlocking and communication devices

  • 1940 — 1949
  • 1950 — 1959
Маршрутно-контрольные устройства на станциях Литовской железной дороги
For a long time Lengiprotrans has been developing and improving the railway network in Lithuania. In the period 1946-1955, the institute designed route control devices at 15 stations of the...
  • 1940 — 1949
  • 1950 — 1959
Полуавтоматическая блокировка на участке Рыбацкое — Поляны
Rybatskoye - Polyany - a section on the Volkhovstroevsky direction of the October railway. In the post-war period, Lengiprotrans developed projects for the restoration of destroyed signaling...
  • 1940 — 1949
Усиление провозной способности линии Макушино — Омск — Новосибирск
Makushino - Omsk - Novosibirsk is a section that is part of the South Ural and West Siberian railways. During the Great Patriotic War, the specialists of Lentransproekt (since 1951 -...
  • 1950 — 1959
Уплотнение цветной цепи на участке Няндома — Мудьюга
Railway line Nyandoma - Mudyuga - a section of the Northern Railway. The project of sealing the colored chain on the line was prepared by Lengiprotrans in 1956. In the same period, similar work...
  • 1980 — 1989
ЭЦ разъезда Баниас
In the 1980s Lengiprotrans developed the project of the Tartus-Latakia railway line in the Syrian Arab Republic for the operational connection of two ports on the Mediterranean Sea. The...
  • 1980 — 1989
ЭЦ разъезда Ассен
In the 1980s Lengiprotrans developed the project of the Tartus-Latakia railway line in the Syrian Arab Republic for the operational connection of two ports on the Mediterranean Sea. The...