Railway line Titan - Yokanga

Project Status: 
Железнодорожная линия Титан — Иоканьга

On August 25, 1951, the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted a resolution on the construction of the Titan - Yokanga railway line on the territory of the Kola Peninsula. The line was planned to provide transport links between the ice-free port of Yokanga and the railway network and to create a naval base there. In addition, the railway would facilitate the development of aluminum ore deposits in the center and east of the Kola Peninsula.

Back in 1948-1949, a large expedition of Lentransproekt (since 1951 - Lengiprotrans) worked on surveys of the Titan - Yokanga line. The deadlines for the work were tight, in fact, one season, the survey was carried out in the Arctic. The expedition was provided with aviation for external relations, and reindeer and boats for moving along the route.

Subsequently, the construction of the line was carried out by the Main Directorate of Railway Construction Camps of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR and was classified as building No. 509. After the death of I.V. Stalin in 1953, like many construction projects, the construction of the highway was suspended.