Operation support facilities, buildings

  • 1980 — 1989
Автобаза треста «Кокчетавтрансстрой»
In the 1980s, during the development of the railway network of the Kazakh SSR, Lengiprotrans developed a project for a motor depot for the Kokchetavtransstroy Trust in Astana. In those years,...
  • 1980 — 1989
Завод железобетонных конструкций треста «Кокчетавтрансстрой»
In the 1980s, in the course of the development of the railway network of the Kazakh SSR, Lengiprotrans developed a project for the plant of reinforced concrete structures of the...
  • 2010 — 2019
Дом отдыха локомотивных бригад на станции Лужская
The rest house for locomotive crews (DOLB), built according to the project of PJSC Lengiprotrans, is located at the Luzhskaya-Sortirovochnaya station of the Oktyabrskaya railway, in the...
  • 1980 — 1989
Производственная база треста «Балттрансстрой»
In 1984-1985, Lengiprotrans participated in the design of the Klaipeda-Mukran ferry crossing to ensure transit traffic between the USSR and the CMEA countries (Council for Mutual Economic...
  • 1980 — 1989
  • 1990 — 1999
Временная производственная база и жилой поселок на участке Кейтеле-Пяйянне
In the 1980s, Lengiprotrans prepared a project for a temporary production base and a residential community for the construction of a canal on the Keitele-Päijänne section in Finland. On the...
  • 1990 — 1999
Цех технического обслуживания пассажирских вагонов на станции Калининград
In the 1990s, Lengiprotrans developed a project for a workshop for the maintenance of passenger cars at the Kaliningrad station. A building with utilities was designed for technical inspection of...