Bridge structures

  • 1940 — 1949
Мостовой переход через реку Нура
The department of bridges of Lentransproekt (since 1951 - Lengiprotrans) developed a project for the capital construction of a bridge over the Nura river on the Karaganda railway in 1946....
  • 1940 — 1949
  • 1950 — 1959
Железнодорожный мост через реку Вилия
In the 1940s – 1950s, Lengiprotrans designed a new capital bridge across the Vilia (also Neris) river at 31 km of the Vilnius-Turmantas railway section of the Lithuanian railway. Working drawings...
  • 1940 — 1949
Мостовой переход через реку Нарва
After the blockade of Leningrad was lifted, a group of specialists from Lentransproekt (since 1951 - Lengiprotrans) was engaged in the restoration of the destroyed transport infrastructure...
  • 1940 — 1949
Мостовой переход через реку Луга
After the blockade of Leningrad was lifted, a group of specialists from Lentransproekt (since 1951 - Lengiprotrans) was engaged in designing the restoration of the destroyed transport...
  • 1980 — 1989
Реконструкция моста через ручей Товарный
In 1981, Lengiprotrans developed a project for the reconstruction of a bridge over the Tovarny stream in 1981 as part of the track reconstruction of the Kaliningrad-Sortirovochny station.
  • 1950 — 1959
Восстановление моста через реку Писса
In the 1950s, Lengiprotrans developed a project for the overhaul of the bridge over the Pissa River at 912 km of the Virbalis - Kaliningrad section of the Lithuanian Railway.