Bridge structures

  • 1980 — 1989
Железнодорожный путепровод через шоссе Ленинград — Таллин на пересечении с соединительными ж.д. путями участка Юлемисте — Маарду
In the 1980s, Lengiprotrans engineers designed various objects in the Baltics. Thus, by order of the Baltic Railway, Lengiprotrans has developed a project for a railway overpass across the...
  • 1980 — 1989
Железнодорожный мост через р. Волхов
In the early 1980s, Lengiprotrans developed a project for a railway bridge over the Volkhov River in the Volkhov District of the Leningrad Region. The structure was designed as part of the...
  • 1980 — 1989
Мостовой переход через реку Куру
In the early 1980s, Lengiprotrans developed a project for a bridge over the Kura River on the Osmaly-Ali-Bayramli (now Shirvan) section of the Azerbaijan Railway. The Kura is the largest river...
  • 1980 — 1989
Железнодорожный переход через Клайпедский канал в выставочном парке станции Римкай-Порт в районе г. Клайпеда
Engineers of Lengiprotrans worked on various transport facilities in the Baltics. The railway crossing through the Klaipeda Canal — one of such objects — was designed to provide the necessary...
  • 1970 — 1979
  • 1980 — 1989
Виадук через реку Бирюля
The viaduct across the Biryulya river is designed on the Meret - Srednesibirskaya railway line. The new route was supposed to remove from the Trans-Siberian Railway the transportation of coal from...
  • 1970 — 1979
  • 1980 — 1989
Мост через реку Чумыш
The bridge across the Chumysh River is designed on the Meret — Srednesibirskaya railway line. The new route was supposed to remove from the Trans-Siberian Railway the transportation of coal from...