The second track on the section Ekibastuz II - Stopping point 116 km

Ekibastuz railway junction
Author's department: 
Project Status: 
Development of railway communication in the Ekibastuz coal basin
Второй путь на участке Экибастуз II — Остановочный пункт 116 км

Railway section Ekibastuz II - Stopping point 116 km is part of the Ekibastuz railway junction. He was engaged in design work on the reconstruction and development of the Lengiprotrans unit for a long time, especially in 1977-1985, when the Ekibastuz fuel and energy complex was put into operation.

Design and survey work was carried out for the reconstruction of railway tracks and electrification, for equipping the line with automatic blocking, dispatch centralization and signaling and communication devices. This made it possible to increase the throughput and weight norms of trains, to ensure traffic safety.