Podporozhsky plant of reinforced concrete bridge structures

Подпорожский завод мостовых железобетонных конструкций

The Podporozhsky Plant of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Structures (MZhBK) is an enterprise specializing in the production of reinforced concrete bridge spans and centrifuged shell piles. It was built in 1957 according to the Lengiprotrans project to provide the northwestern and European part of the country with bridge structures.

The institute was engaged in the development of plants of such a profile for the first time in connection with the release in 1954 of the Resolution of the Government of the USSR "On the development of production of prefabricated reinforced concrete structures and parts for construction." Despite the novelty of the task, the design was carried out using the most modern technological processes and equipment at that time. To ensure this, the best enterprises for the production of reinforced concrete structures of other departments were preliminarily examined, the recommendations of TsNIIS and other research organizations were studied.

The capacity of the Podporozhsky MZhBK plant was 45 thousand m3 of reinforced concrete products per year. The production of reinforced concrete products was concentrated in a 4-span production building.