Reconstruction of the locomotive depot at Volkhovstroy-I station

Реконструкция локомотивного депо на станции Волховстрой-I

TCh-21 Volkhovstroy is a repair locomotive depot at the Volkhovstroy-I railway station in the Volkhov district of the Leningrad region.

In the 2000s, the locomotive depot was reconstructed under the Lengiprotrans project in order to repair the VL10, VL11, VL15 series electric locomotives and increase the enterprise's capacity.

The construction of the following objects was carried out under the project:
• the building of the workshop TR-3 with the organization of repairs in the volume of TR-2 and TR-3 of electric locomotives, a bogie department, an electric machine shop and workshops;
• sand supply devices instead of those falling into the building spot (sand drying plant, raw sand warehouse, dry sand warehouse);
• compressor station to replace the existing compressor room; construction of a wheelset warehouse;
• administrative building;
• auxiliary building for painting and washing locomotives;
• engineering networks and structures;
• improvement of the site.

During the reconstruction, modern main and auxiliary technological equipment was introduced.