Novorossiysk steam locomotive repair plant

Новороссийский паровозовагоноремонтный завод

The Novorossiysk Steam Locomotive Repair Plant (PVRZ) is an enterprise for the repair of passenger rolling stock and the production of a new formation of passenger wheelsets. It was founded in 1892 as a temporary mechanical workshop of the Novorossiysk elevator (since 1908 - railway).

In 1944-1948, the Plant Department of Lentransproekt (since 1951 - Lengiprotrans) drew up a project to restore the Novorossiysk PVRZ destroyed during the war. It also provided for extensive reconstruction of the plant based on modern technological processes and equipment.

The plant contributed to the victory in the Great Patriotic War: armored trains "For the Motherland" and "People's Avenger" were manufactured here.