Completed projects

projects completed

Site surveys for construction involve comprehensive investigations of natural environment of an area and/or a construction site.

Specialists of JSC Lengiprotrans design transport development master-plans, which includes activities associated with placement of all railway infrastructure facilities in accordance with the process solutions adopted. The design work includes environmental impact assessment and development of recommendations on environmental protection.

The page shows the objects of the selected type, the design of which was performed in the selected period
  • 1990 — 1999
Реконструкция Некрасовского путепровода
The Nekrasovsky overpass is the main road artery of Vladivostok, which connects the center of the Primorsky Territory and the seaports of the region with the federal highway Vladivostok -...
  • 1990 — 1999
Автодорожный путепровод в Хабаровске
In the late 1990s, Lengiprotrans developed a project for a two-level highway overpass at the intersection of Karl Marx and Leningradskaya Streets in Khabarovsk. This made it possible to relieve...
  • 1990 — 1999
  • 2000 — 2009
Автодорожный мост через реку Надым вдоль трассы Трансполярной магистрали
Engineers of Lengiprotrans have extensive experience in the design of transport facilities in the Far North. In the second half of the 1990s, during the construction of a road, the Institute's...
  • 1990 — 1999
Служебнотранспортный тоннель в городе Красное Село
In the 1990s, Lengiprotrans developed a project for a service tunnel under highway No. 2 in the town of Krasnoe Selo, Leningrad Region. The length of the structure is 136 m.
  • 1990 — 1999
Реконструкция автодорожного моста через реку Яндебу
In the 1990s, Lengiprotrans developed a project for the reconstruction of a road bridge across the Yandebu River in the Leningrad Region. The length of the structure is 195 m.
  • 1990 — 1999
Пешеходный мост через реку Важинку
In the 1990s, Lengiprotrans developed a project for a pedestrian bridge over the Vazhinka River in the village of Vazhiny. The length of the structure is 285 m.