Completed projects

projects completed

Site surveys for construction involve comprehensive investigations of natural environment of an area and/or a construction site.

Specialists of JSC Lengiprotrans design transport development master-plans, which includes activities associated with placement of all railway infrastructure facilities in accordance with the process solutions adopted. The design work includes environmental impact assessment and development of recommendations on environmental protection.

The page shows the objects of the selected type, the design of which was performed in the selected period
  • 1950 — 1959
  • 1960 — 1969
Бушевецкий ремонтно-механический завод
In 1950-1960, the electrification of the Oktyabrskaya railway, the Bologoye railway junction was carried out, the technical re-equipment of the depot was underway. During this period,...
  • 1950 — 1959
  • 1960 — 1969
Депо рефрижераторных вагонов на станции Караганда
Karaganda is a railway station in the Karaganda region of Kazakhstan. Coal mining is carried out in the region, enterprises of mechanical engineering, metalworking and food industry operate. In...
  • 1950 — 1959
  • 1960 — 1969
Тепловозное депо Сольвычегодск
The Solvychegodsk diesel locomotive depot is a depot at the station of the same name on the Northern Railway (SZD). It was organized in 1942 as a car repair site. In the postwar years,...
  • 1950 — 1959
  • 1960 — 1969
Электровозное депо на станции Атбасар
Atbasar is a railway station on the Tobol - Astana line in the Akmola region of Kazakhstan. In the period 1950-1970s, the Department of Plants (now part of the OPGS) of Lengiprotrans designed...
  • 1950 — 1959
  • 1960 — 1969
Электровозное депо на станции Целиноград
Tselinograd (now Astana) is a railway station of the Kazakhstan Railways in the capital of Kazakhstan, the city of Astana. In the period 1950-1970s, the Department of Plants (now part of the...
  • 1940 — 1949
  • 1950 — 1959
Реконструкция моторвагонного депо на станции Ленинград-Балтийский
TCh-15 Leningrad-Baltiyskiy is a large multi-unit depot in St. Petersburg, founded in 1933. The depot was intended for lifting and periodic repairs, as well as technical inspection of sections...