During the development of virgin lands Lengiprotrans designed 5 new large state farms in the Pavlodar region of the Kazakh SSR. Including the project of the state farm "Pogranichnik" was...
The page shows the objects of the selected type, the design of which was performed in the selected period
projects completed
Site surveys for construction involve comprehensive investigations of natural environment of an area and/or a construction site.
Specialists of JSC Lengiprotrans design transport development master-plans, which includes activities associated with placement of all railway infrastructure facilities in accordance with the process solutions adopted. The design work includes environmental impact assessment and development of recommendations on environmental protection.
The page shows the objects of the selected type, the design of which was performed in the selected period
During the development of virgin lands Lengiprotrans designed 5 new large state farms in the Pavlodar region of the Kazakh SSR. Including the project of the state farm "Potaninsky" was...
During the development of virgin lands Lengiprotrans designed 5 new large state farms in the Pavlodar region of the Kazakh SSR. In particular, the project of the state farm "Put' Ilyicha" was...
During the development of virgin lands Lengiprotrans designed 5 new large state farms in the Pavlodar region of the Kazakh SSR. Including the project of the state farm named after Satpayev was...
Tolmachevsky Plant of Reinforced Concrete Structures (now Tolmachevsky Plant of Reinforced Concrete and Metal Structures) is a city-forming enterprise specializing in the production of reinforced...
In 1950-1970s one of the main directions of the Department of Plants (now as part of the Department of Industrial and Civil Buildings and Structures) of Lengiprotrans was the design of...