General scheme of measures to protect the Circum-Baikal Railway

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Project Status: 
Генеральная схема мероприятий по защите Кругобайкальской железной дороги

In 1960-1970, Lengiprotrans developed a general scheme for a complex of strengthening measures to protect the roadbed of railways and highways on the Circum-Baikal section of the East Siberian Railway.

In 1964, specialists of the institute drew up a project of bank protection on the sections Baikal - Slyudyanka and Tankhoi - Posolskaya Circum-Baikal road. The project was prepared in connection with the expected rise in the level of Lake Baikal by 0.5 m, as well as the emergency state of some protective structures against abrasion of Lake Baikal: the bank protection wooden ryazh, filled with stone, were destroyed in many places, landslides and other deformations appeared.

Based on the survey, a project was drawn up for strengthening the banks and the railway using structures such as flooded breakwaters, concrete walls, groans of various designs. Flooded breakwaters break and damp large waves, concrete walls protect the coast and the slopes of the subgrade from erosion, groins allow the accumulation of beach sediments directly in the inter-bunny space. Also, the project developed measures to strengthen existing structures.

In 1974, a large volume of mudflows occurred on the Slyudyanka - Posolskaya section. Over the course of 5 km of the railway, bridge structures, culverts were thrown into Baikal, and dams were destroyed. Lengiprotrans has developed top-priority measures to eliminate the consequences of mudflows for opening train traffic. Later, a project was developed for the complete elimination of the consequences with measures to protect the railway from mudflows. Mudflow retaining, mudflow diversion and guide structures were designed along the slopes of the mountains. It was planned to build 55 galleries with a length of 9.8 km, anti-landslide walls with a length of 28 km, 18 herleduks, 6 additional bridges and an increase in the opening at 25 bridges.