Workshop for reforming wheel pairs of steam locomotives and tenders of German railways

Цех переформирования колесных пар паровозов и тендеров немецких железных дорог

In the postwar years "Lentransproekt" (since 1951 - "Lengiprotrans") carried out design work on the reconstruction of factories and the design of new ones in order to restore the country's industry. During this period, a project was developed for the workshop for rebuilding wheel pairs of steam locomotives and tenders of the German railways in Daugavpils.

During this period, the main elements of each plant project were:
• technological part;
• building part;
• plumbing: heating, ventilation, water supply and sewerage;
• energy part: power supply, heat supply and compressed air;
• communication;
• internal and external transport;
• general plan;
• improvement of the territory of the plant.