Depot at Myizaküla station

Депо на станции Мыйзакюла

Mõisaküla is a station of the Estonian Railway, located on the border with Latvia. In September 1944, the retreating German troops destroyed a significant part of the railway station buildings. In the post-war years, the Department of Plants of Lentransproekt (since 1951 - Lengiprotrans) developed a project for the reconstruction of the depot in Myisakule.

The restoration of the depots, destroyed during the war, was an urgent task on which the operation of the entire railway transport depended. In this regard, design work began, as a rule, immediately after the liberation of the cities and was carried out at the restoration site by small expeditions made up of employees of the institute.

Simultaneously with the restoration, the projects provided for an extensive reconstruction of the depot on the basis of modern technological processes and equipment at that time.