Completed projects

projects completed

Site surveys for construction involve comprehensive investigations of natural environment of an area and/or a construction site.

Specialists of JSC Lengiprotrans design transport development master-plans, which includes activities associated with placement of all railway infrastructure facilities in accordance with the process solutions adopted. The design work includes environmental impact assessment and development of recommendations on environmental protection.

The page shows the objects of the selected type, the design of which was performed in the selected period
  • 1960 — 1969
  • 1970 — 1979
Электрификация участка Павловск — Новолисино
The Pavlovsk - Novolisino railway line is a suburban section of the Leningrad railway junction and is part of the Oktyabrskaya railway. Lengiprotrans developed a project for the electrification...
  • 1960 — 1969
  • 1970 — 1979
Электрификация участка Тосно — Малая Вишера — Бологое — Лихославль — Клин
The Tosno - Malaya Vishera - Bologoye - Likhoslavl - Klin railway line is part of the Oktyabrskaya Railway. The project for the electrification of the line was developed by Lengiprotrans in the...
  • 1960 — 1969
  • 1970 — 1979
Электрификация участка Беломорск — Лоухи — Кандалакша
The Belomorsk - Loukhi - Kandalaksha railway line is part of the Oktyabrskaya railway. The specialists of Lengiprotrans have developed a project for the electrification of this section. The...
  • 1950 — 1959
  • 1960 — 1969
Электрификация участка Ленинград — Пери — Васкелово
Railway line Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) - Peri - Vaskelovo - a section of the Priozersky direction of the Oktyabrskaya railway. In the 1950s, Lengiprotrans developed a project for the...
  • 1960 — 1969
Электрификация участка Мельничный ручей — Ладожское Озеро
Railway line Melnichny Ruchey - Ladozhskoe Lake - a section of the Irinovsky direction of the Oktyabrskaya railway. During the Great Patriotic War, she served the Road of Life ice crossing for...
  • 1960 — 1969
Электрификация участка Мельничный ручей — Невская Дубровка
Railway line Melnichny Ruchey - Nevskaya Dubrovka - a section of the Irinovskaya direction of the Oktyabrskaya Railway (OZhD). The section Melnichny Ruchey - Nevskaya Dubrovka was electrified...