Positive conclusion of the FAI Glavgosexpertiza on the second stage of the project for the reconstruction of the Savelovo station

04 March 2021
Positive conclusion of the FAI Glavgosexpertiza on the second stage of the project for the reconstruction of the Savelovo station

February 18, 2021 JSC Lengiprotrans (part of the 1520 Group of Companies) received a positive opinion from the FAI Glavgosexpertiza on the second stage of the reconstruction project of the Savelovo station of the October railway "Reconstruction of the Savelovo traction substation and linear traction power supply devices of the Savelovo station".

Photo: Savelovo station

Design documentation for the reconstruction of the Savelovo traction substation was developed in accordance with the traction and electrical calculations for the Savelovo — Dmitrov section.

At the traction substation, it is planned to replace two existing traction transformers and rectifiers, replace the 3.3 kV indoor switchgear with a new one, which provides additional cells for powering the contact network of the future second main track.

The design management was carried out by the chief engineer of the project of the Nodes and stations Department  Andrei Viktorovich Efremov and the chief specialist for traction substations of the electrical department Viktor Afanasyevich Matsak. The developer and source of funding is Russian Railways.

The project is being implemented under the title “Mga — Sonkovo — Dmitrov, construction of second tracks in order to increase the throughput of the site. Priority measures for the development of the Savelovo (incl.) — Sonkovo ​​— Mga (incl.) Octobwer railway line. Reconstruction of the Savelovo station, along with other measures projected by Lengiprotrans, will allow the passage of additional train traffic on the Dmitrov — Sonkovo ​​— Mga — St. Petersburg direction to the ports of the North-West.

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