A protocol was signed on the acceptance into operation of the hump at the Luzhskaya-Sortirovochnaya station. PJSC Lengiprotrans (part of the 1520 Group of Companies) is the general contractor for the design of the infrastructure development of the Ust-Luga railway node.

Ust-Luga railway node
The commissioning of terminals and sites of a new commercial sea port in Ust-Luga on the southern coast of the Gulf of Finland in Luga Bay has led to an increase in cargo turnover. This dictated the need to develop the port's transport infrastructure and approaches to it. Since 2005, it has been the largest investment project in the Leningrad Region. It is included in the Federal Target Program "Development of the transport system of Russia (2010–2020)".
The volume of railway traffic in communication with the port of Ust-Luga is growing every year. The port's railway cargo turnover in 2017 amounted to 68.41 million tons of various cargo, which is 7.29 million tons more than in the previous year. When developing the General Scheme of the Ust-Luga railway. node in 2016 PJSC Lengiprotrans provided for an increase in cargo turnover to 90.8 million tons by 2020, in 2025 — up to 119.1 million tons. After the completion of all work on the development of the Ust-Luga railway junction, the cargo turnover will rise to 139.6 million tons per year.
Scheme of the Ust-Luga railway. node
During the work on the object, a complex of engineering surveys and design work of all stages for the development of public infrastructure on the Mga — Ust-Luga section, 197.7 km long, was completed. For all commissioned facilities, initial permits were obtained and field supervision was carried out.
Today the railway junction is a pre-port sorting station Luzhskaya-Sortirovochnaya and port cargo stations Luzhskaya-Severnaya, Luzhskaya-Yuzhnaya, Luzhskaya-Neftyanaya, as well as an industrial station of liquefied petroleum gas (Gazovaya). The deployed length of the station tracks is 415 km.
Station Luzhskaya-Sortirovochnaya was designed using innovative technologies. Large volumes of unloading at the station are facilitated by a unique automated marshalling hump, unique in the territory of the Russian Federation, with receiving and dispatching yards and a marshalling yard. In addition to this "heart", the station houses a complex of production facilities designed to service the infrastructure of the track economy, power supply, signaling, communications, heat and water supply, buildings and structures, as well as a base of paramilitary security.
At present, the institute carries out field supervision over the construction of a locomotive technical inspection point (PTOL), which is necessary for their maintenance. The construction of a PTOL on three repair tracks, with a stall length of 66 m, will allow for technical inspection and equipment of locomotives. A service building adjoins the stall part of the PTOL. The operation of the PTOL is to begin in July 2018.
In 2017, the project documentation was released for the facilities “Construction of railway tracks on the section Luzhskaya-Sortirovochnaya — Luzhskaya-Vostochnaya — Luzhskaya-General” and “Construction of the Luzhskaya-General station for full development and the connecting line Luzhskaya-Neftyanaya — Luzhskaya-General. Construction of tracks on a new site, stage 1 ”, positive expert opinions were received.
The new railway line Luzhskaya-Sortirovochnaya — Luzhskaya-Vostochnaya — Luzhskaya-General, 16.7 km long, is intended to ensure the passage of trains to future terminals at the stations Luzhskaya-General and Luzhskaya-Vostochnaya. Also, thanks to the construction of this line, the node will be looped back, creating maneuverability in the organization of train traffic. In 2018, the release of working documentation is completed and field supervision over the construction of the facility is envisaged.
For the project “Construction of the Luzhskaya-Generalnaya station for full development and the Luzhskaya-Neftyanaya — Luzhskaya-Generalnaya connection line. Construction of tracks on a new site, stage 1" during the design process, it was necessary to repeatedly change design solutions in terms of the location of the station in connection with the emergence of new terminals and other facilities. To date, the position of the station is linked to all promising objects located nearby.
Currently, the institute is carrying out design work on the object of 2018 — “Construction of the Luzhskaya-Vostochnaya station. Stage 1" consisting of three receiving and departure tracks with a complex of buildings and structures.