Closing of the festival "Week of Science-2018"
On Monday, April 23, at the St. Petersburg University of Railways named after Emperor Alexander I, the ceremonial closing of the annual festival "Week of Science-2018" took place. The LXXVIII All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference of Students was held within the framework of the festival. graduate students and young scientists "Transport: problems, ideas, prospects", the national conference "Prospects for the future in the educational process - 2018", as well as an intellectual quiz game "Railway transport: from history to the present", a competition of photo presentations "World stations as a work of art and engineering ". More than 2000 people took part in the festival, including students and postgraduates of PSUPS, as well as students of other universities and representatives of the scientific community.
On behalf of PJSC Lengiprotrans (part of the 1520 Group of Companies), the ceremony was attended by Deputy General Director for Organization of Surveys Alexey Petrovich Konyukhov. He congratulated the presidium on the completion of the festival, thanked the university for many years of joint work. Alexey Petrovich also congratulated the winners of the LXXVIII All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference of students, graduate students and young scientists "Transport: Problems, Ideas, Prospects" and presented gifts and diplomas.