February 27–28, Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Engineering and environmental surveys — regulatory framework, modern methods and equipment" was held in Moscow. From PJSC Lengiprotrans Evgeny Kozyrev, the head of the engineering and environmental survey team, and Andrei Dmitriev, the head of the laboratory for research of factors of physical effects, attended the conference.

А. Dmitriev and E. Kozyrev
At the conference, presentations were made by representatives of FAI Glavgosexpertiza, geoecological center Prospect. Design. Monitoring, SHANECO and other expert organizations.
The main theme of the event was a set of rules for conducting engineering and environmental surveys (EES), which is being prepared for introduction. During the discussions, current and unresolved problems in the field of EES were raised. Experts from Glavgosexpertiza gave recommendations on how to resolve controversial issues in the implementation of the EES, including approaches to determining and removing the fertile soil layer, types of analyzes and the need for their implementation, as well as various methods for assessing soil contamination. In view of the fact that many of the EES issues remain unresolved at the legislative level, the opinions of the representatives of Glavgosexpertiza and the detailed justification of the decisions are especially important and will be used in the work of the Lengiprotrans.