On October 8, the 9th Interregional Practical Conference on Automated cost calculation of the design and survey works: the state and prospects was held with the participation of CJSC AFS and Company InfoStroy LLC.

From the PJSC Lengiprotrans (part of the 1520 Group of Companies) the conference was visited by: Anastasia Romanova, Expert on the audit of estimates for design and survey work of the Technical Maintenance Department, Yana Igorevna Erokhova, Leading Specialist in Production Planning, Natalia Aleksandrovna Petlyakova, Engineer -projector of the second category, Maria Valentinaovna Lapina, engineer for artificial structures, Denmark Shamilevna Vasilyeva, chief expert on economic and legal issues, Svetlana Yakovlevna Pal'kina, engineer on estimates.
InfoStroy Service company held a presentation of a universal complex for the calculation of estimates for design and survey work System PIR and software packages for the management of design and survey projects.
Elena Melnikova, the Project Manager of JSC PMSOFT, highlighted some issues related to solving the problems arising in the management of design and survey works.
Main report of the conference on Methodological recommendations for determining the cost of design works was presented by Margarita Arkadievna Turenskaya, Deputy General Director of JSC CENTRINVESTPROEKT, a leading expert in the field of determining the cost of design and survey works. During the report the following topics were covered:
- work with new directories of basic prices for design works for construction;
- carifications on the application of updated editions of Price Collections and Reference Books of basic prices for design works for construction.
The conference turned out to be informative — many questions were raised, which arise when drawing up estimates for design and survey work. Also, specialists were interested in the capabilities of the System PIR software complex.