Department of Electrical Engineering

In the 1960s, Lengiprotrans developed a project for the Balkhash - Sayak railway line in the Kazakh SSR. Transport links were required to supply Sayak ore to the Balkhash mining and metallurgical plant (now Balkhashtsvetmet). In the following years, a suspension and a colored chain seal were installed on the railway.

In the late 1980s and early 1990s, Lengiprotrans carried out the electrification of the Cherkezkei - Kapykule railway section in the Republic of Turkey on the border with Bulgaria. It was the last non-electrified section on the line from Ankara to Europe.

The project was developed according to Turkish and international standards. The humid tropical climate created special requirements for technical solutions.

In 2010 Lengiprotrans began developing a project for a new railway line Sirte - Benghazi in the Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya. The highway runs along the Mediterranean coast.

The road was intended for the transportation of oil products and the creation of transport links between the two port cities. Prior to that, the country had a poorly developed railway connection.

All design work was done on site. The work was complicated by the presence of sand dunes.

In the 1990s, Lengiprotrans developed a project for the electrification of the Volkhovstroy - Tikhvin - Koshta section in connection with the transfer of freight traffic to it. This was supposed to free the St. Petersburg - Moscow line for the development of high-speed passenger traffic.

In the 1990s, the electrification of railway tracks in the North-West of Russia was widely developed, in which Lengiprotrans took an active part. The work began with the design of the Volkhovstroy - Svir section of the Oktyabrskaya railway. This marked a new stage in the electrification of the route to Murmansk.

In the 1990s, the electrification of railway tracks in the North-West of Russia was widely developed, in which Lengiprotrans took an active part. As part of this work, the Idel - Belomorsk section was electrified using alternating current.

In the course of the work, two traction substations, a longitudinal contact network, a signaling system, and power supply were designed.

In the 1990s, the electrification of railway tracks in the North-West of Russia was widely developed, in which Lengiprotrans took an active part. At the final stage of the electrification of the Northern Direction, the Idel - Svir section was designed with an alternating current of 27.5 kV. This became the final section of the electrification of the St. Petersburg - Murmansk direction of the Oktyabrskaya railway.

In the early 2000s, Lengiprotrans developed a project for the electrification of intra-nodal connecting lines of the Saint-Petersburg railway hub in order to ensure the passage of routes to the port of St. Petersburg on electric traction, bypassing the St. Petersburg-Sortirovochny-Moskovsky station.

Based on the results of the project, the following works were completed:
- electrified on direct current sections: Predportovaya — Narvskaya — Novy Port (7.5 km), Navalochnaya — Volkovskaya — Tsvetochnaya — Novy Port (11.4 km);

The two-track railway line Skovorodino - Shimanovskaya belongs to the Trans-Baikal Railway and is part of the Trans-Siberian Railway. In 1970-1980, Lengiprotrans developed a project for electrification of the site using 27.5 kW alternating current for servicing electric locomotives.

When designing, the key issue was the solution of the structures of the contact network and their embedding in the ground. As a result, the following non-standard solutions were adopted:

С 1956 года начался новый этап массовой электрификации железных дорог СССР, в результате увеличилась доля электротяги и тепловозной тяги. В этот период «Ленгипротранс» разработал проект электрификации железнодорожной линии Ковылкино — Рузаевка — Сызрань — Куйбышев — Кинель — Похвистнево — Дема — Кропачево. Предполагалось, что линия станет трансконтинентальной магистралью, так называемый «Куйбышевский ход». На отдельных участках железной дороги была запроектирована автоматическая блокировка.