Design of railway lines, stations, hubs, and private tracks

JSC Lengiprotrans is one of the leading design firms, which has considerable experience in design of railways, railway hubs and stations.

Specialists of JSC Lengiprotrans provide the following services:

  • design of new railway lines and extra main tracks;
  • design work for reconstruction of existing railway lines;
  • design work for reconstruction of railway stations and hubs;
  • design of external railway approaches and private service tracks to deposits, industrial facilities, ports, etc.;
  • front-end engineering with development of specifications for reconstruction of railway infrastructure during the course of construction of industrial facilities;
  • master-plans for development of railway hubs and sections;
  • preparation of section "Train operation management, switching service management, and economic calculations" using the company's own certified software "Modeling of Transport Systems" which has no analogs in Russia.


The railway design services include:

  • standard and customized design of roadbeds on links and at interstations;
  • design of permanent way of railways including ballastless structures, and road pavements;
  • reclamation of excavation sites;
  • ground protection of territories and structures from geohazards.
  • measuring and investigations of existing railway lines for reconstruction and design of second tracks;
  • design of plan and profile of the route, transverse profiles of highways, drainage structures, drains, design of reinforced ground retaining walls and structures.


The plan, the longitudinal and the transverse profiles are designed using a digital terrain model, which allows multiple route options to be examined within a short period of time.

When designing railway hubs, stations and private approach tracks, specialists of JSC Lengiprotrans:

  • perform front-end engineering for development of industrial railway complexes and related public railway infrastructure;
  • prepare master-plans for development of railway hubs;
  • design railway stations within projects for construction and reconstruction of railway lines and individual hubs; prepare the documentation on the basis of comprehensive and detailed methods engineering for railway hubs and stations as regards train operation management, shunting and cargo operations;
  • design port railway complexes for transshipment between railway and maritime transport systems;
  • form rapid passenger transport systems within the context of comprehensive development of railway transport in metropolitan areas.


Design of railway hubs and stations involves:

  • development of design documentation and working documentation for construction of railway stations;
  • development of scale plans of track systems;
  • development of transverse and longitudinal profiles of station tracks, and drainage systems;
  • front-end engineering for technologically feasible options and phases of reconstruction and construction of railway stations and hubs, and technical-economic comparison of options;
  • production of solutions for the required development of infrastructure of railway hubs and stations under design, and development of the most feasible configurations for track systems, in order to ensure the optimal workload for various elements of the station and related infrastructure.



  • 1940 — 1949
  • 1950 — 1959
Даугавпилсский железнодорожный узел
  • 1950 — 1959
  • 1960 — 1969
Станция Павлодар-Сортировочный
  • 1970 — 1979
  • 1980 — 1989
Станция Целиноград