Electrification of the Kokchetav - Peski Tselinnye section

Project Status: 
Электрификация участка Кокчетав — Пески Целинные

The electrification of the section Kokchetav (now Kokshetau) - Tselinnye Sands (now Novoishimskaya) was developed by Lengiprotrans in 1983. The site was equipped with a contact network.

Within the title were projected:
• at the station Peski Tselinnye: traction substation;
• at Yanko station: traction substation, the main building of the contact network duty station, ground storage of fuels and lubricants, material storage, reinforced concrete pipe; low passenger platforms;
• on the Kokchetav - Volodarskoye section: reorganization of 10kV overhead transmission lines, low voltage networks and outdoor lighting, removal of 10kV overhead lines, relocation and reorganization of communication lines.